By Katie Solt
To celebrate this month’s holiday of love and kindness, our first grade classes get to partake in a valentine exchange with elementary classes all over the U.S. and Canada! They are grouped with 23 other schools. The total number of participants partaking in the exchange this year reached an outstanding number of 1,085, along with 49 teachers from the states plus Canada. Each student in the first grade class had the opportunity to create their own valentine with fun facts describing Arlington’s school and community. In return these students have the experience of receiving letters from other students from different areas and getting to learn about their school and community. Once our first grade receives their valentine letter, it gets displayed above a map in their hallway with a string and tack, pinpointing exactly where the letter came from! This has been a fun way to spread Valentine’s Day spirit throughout the first grade students all while learning about new places and their geography!
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Arlington, Ohio 45814
Phone: 419-365-5121
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Arlington is on a 2-hour delay Friday, February 21.