By: Janay Helms
Our first senior of the month is Kobie Parrish!
What do teachers say?
1. What is your all-time favorite class you've taken here at Arlington? Why would you recommend upcoming high schoolers to take it?
- My all-time favorite class would probably have to be government if I'm being honest. I really enjoy learning about our government and Mr. McGrain does a really good job, in my opinion, in teaching the class. I especially enjoy being in his class because we have class discussions and debates. Now because this class is required, any upcoming high schoolers will have to take it, but I recommend that students not just brush this class off as another boring, required class. Instead, take it all in for what it is because learning about our government, especially right now, is really important.
2. What is the one school lunch you will always buy?
- The one school lunch I will probably always buy will be a popcorn chicken wrap. I'd always go down early and buy it during like 3rd period before they'd run out of them. I'll also get a fruit cup and I usually prefer fresh watermelon or pineapple if they have it. The cafeteria staff does a great job with lunches, trust me, I've had lunches from other schools and ours is some of the best.
3. What is your least favorite, popular quote or saying? (like "Yeet!" or "Can't have a rainbow without a little rain.")
- My least favorite saying would probably be "money can't buy you happiness." I think that this quote is often used to say that you shouldn't try and become rich and spend a bunch of money just to be happy but I don't like how it's just generalized. I know you can't "buy happiness" but I think that it can help you buy things that make you happy. I mean I can buy popcorn chicken wraps at lunch and that makes me happy so yes in a sort of indirect way, I think money can buy you happiness. I think the saying should instead be "money can't always buy you happiness" because I think that is more true then just saying outright that money can't buy you happiness.
4. What is your favorite season of candle scents?
- My favorite season of candle scents would probably have to be summer. I really like citrus or beach themed scents and typically I feel those are more associated with summer. Fall candle scents are a close second but summer wins here.
5. If you could throw cold spaghetti is anyone's face, dead or alive, who would it be?
- One time when I was on a Kalahari trip with Cloe Crist we wanted to go to the massive ball pit, jungle gym area they have there. Well, the staff on duty came up and measured me while I was already in the jungle gym area playing around and they said that because I was too tall I wasn't allowed to be in there and that made me mad. So I'd probably throw cold spaghetti at the staff member who made me leave the jungle gym play area because I was simply "too tall" to be there.
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Arlington, Ohio 45814
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Red Devils Basketball Regional Finals by Hunter George