Senior of the Month: October

By: Janay Helms

Our October Senior of the Month is Jacob Branan!

What do teachers have to say?

- Jake is the model student. He completes the work on time and does it extraordinarily well and his input in class is exquisite. Arlington will miss having his intellect and politeness in our hallways next year. Congrats, Jake! Also, when he works at the Dunkirk Dairy Dream, he makes really good brownie batter bite cyclones.

Jacob is a great example of how an individual's actions speak louder than their words. Everyone he interacts with, students or staff, is treated with courtesy and respect. Whenever there is a task to be done, he is always there to lend a helping hand and make the best out of any situation. In the classroom, he doesn't speak often, but when he does, his insight helps raise the level of understanding for everyone. Leadership is not about being boastful or proud. Leadership is about serving others. Jacob Brannan is a great example of what servant-leadership looks like.

Let’s get to know Jacob Branan a little better!

1. What is your all-time favorite class you've taken here at Arlington? Why would you recommend upcoming high schoolers to take it?

- World issues with Mr. Beck. It is a serious, yet laid back class if that makes sense. It keeps you up to date with issues around the world. As long as you have an opinion and you participate you will pass and I highly recommend it to everyone with an open schedule.

2. What is the one school lunch you will always buy?

- Spicy chicken strips!

3. What is your least favorite, popular quote or saying? (like "Yeet!" or "Can't have a rainbow without a little rain.")

- I think YOLO has to be my least favorite.

4. What is your favorite season of candle scents?

- Fall.

5. If you could throw cold spaghetti is anyone's face, dead or alive, who would it be?

- Toxic people. So really if you are toxic to me, you get a face full of cold spaghetti.

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