Senior of the Month: December

By: Kobie Parrish

Congratulations to our senior of the month, Janay Helms!

What the staff has to say about Janay:

“Janay has always been a great student and her character is the definition of what a Red Devil truly is. The staff here are truly thankful to have a student like her. Congratulations on senior of the month!” 

“Janay has really forged an individual path where, along the way, she has genuinely
evolved not only as a Christian, but as a student, peer, and human being. She exudes
calmness and vulnerability, and she is such an empathetic soul. I find her to be very
humble, yet she has so many desirable qualities, and I cannot wait to see where this
journey we call life leads her! I am so proud of you, Janay, and you are very deserving of
this honor! Congratulations on being named as the December Senior of the Month!”

"Janay is so much fun to have in class!  She is creative, responsible, and helpful.  I always know I can count on her and I will miss her next year!”

Let’s get to know Janay a little better!

1. What is your all-time favorite class you've taken here at Arlington? Why would you recommend upcoming high schoolers to take it?

- Shop (furniture making) and I highly recommend taking it because you can learn a lot of great life lessons from Mr. Feller and it's really fun to build the things you want with your hands, which you don't get to do often in a regular classroom.

2. What is the one school lunch you will always buy?

- General tso!

3. What is your least favorite, popular quote or saying? (like "Yeet!" or "Can't have a rainbow without a little rain.")

- "It's the _____ for me" especially when people use it in a negative way because most of the time it is used when someone is making fun of another person for no reason other than to be mean.

4. What is your favorite season of candle scents?

- Winter. There's something about evergreens and mahogany that I just love.

5. If you could throw cold spaghetti in anyone's face, dead or alive, who would it be?

- Probably Tim Hawkins because his reaction would be hilarious. 

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