Senior Marching Band Interview

By: Caitlin Lowery

Jeri Bower

What instrument do you play?

  • Trumpet

What’s your favorite memory?

  • Last year when our squad all made up nicknames for each other, we got super close just because of the squads we were in. 

What’s your most embarrassing memory?

  • The time I wacked Lexi Courtney in the face with my trumpet during head chops. 

What makes band special to you?

  • All the special connections I made in band with all the friends I made.

What will you miss the most after you graduate?

  • Friday nights and friends.


Caitlin Lowery

What instrument do you play?

  • Cymbals

What’s your favorite memory?

  • The Rock Lobster drill we did for the fair show my sophomore year. It was so thrilling, worked so well with the music, and looked very cool.

What’s your most embarrassing memory?

  • When I slipped in the mud going into Buckeye Battle Cry during Opening Routine at the cold, rainy game at Leipsic my freshman year. Especially when Mr. Sorensen missed it when we were watching the recording the following Monday and rewound the video to see it again.

What makes band special to you?

  • Being part of something greater than myself where we all are an important part of the group.

What will you miss the most after you graduate?

  • The thrill of playing in the halls and marching Opening Routine as well as learning new half time shows.


Liz Burnett

What instrument do you play?

  • Quads

What’s your favorite memory?

  • Most of sophomore year when Tim and Carter were still here. They made everything better.

What’s your most embarrassing memory?

  • The first game my junior year where nobody knew what they were doing and we completely crashed and burned.

What makes band special to you?

  • It's a whole bunch of people coming together to make 1 big, usually beautiful, sound and if just 1 person messes up it's usually pretty obvious.

What will you miss the most after you graduate?

  • Having something to hit really hard and take out my anger on after a hard day.


Cole Crooks

What instrument do you play?

  • Baritone

What’s your favorite memory?

  • My favorite memory is riding the bus to and from games my sophomore year.

What’s your most embarrassing memory?

  • I put my horn down at the end of the senior fight song because I forgot we played it again.

What makes band special to you?

  • The people and the good times.

What will you miss the most after you graduate?

  • Being in a band and playing music.


Jacob Branan 

What instrument do you play?

  • Trumpet 

What’s your favorite memory?

  • Getting drenched at liberty and being there for hours and hours.

What makes band special to you?

  • Everyone in band helps each other out and we all work toward the same goal. 

What will you miss the most after you graduate?

  • Friday night football games and the adrenaline rush right before we go on the field. 


Cameron Haught

What instrument do you play?

  • Trumpet

What’s your favorite memory?

  • My favorite memory is when we were on the bus to Holland, Michigan and it was pouring rain outside. The roof started leaking and we had to hold a trash bag up to the ceiling to catch all of the water since it was getting people wet.

What makes band special to you?

  • The friendships that I have been able to expand on.

What will you miss the most after you graduate?

  • Getting to be there for every Friday night football game.


Arrissa Swails

What instrument do you play?

  • Trumpet

What’s your favorite memory?

  • Freshman year fair show. It was such a rush and so much fun.

What’s your most embarrassing memory?

  • Turning the wrong way during a march to Rock Lobster as a senior.

What makes band special to you?

  • Band is like an escape period for me. You do school work all day and then go to band and relax and have fun.

What will you miss the most after you graduate?

  • Being able to feel the rush of being on the football field every Friday, and never being able to do Trumpets Olé and head chops again.


Lance Leisure

What instrument do you play?

  • Trombone

What’s your favorite memory?

  • Getting the feeling you get every time before you step onto the field. 

What’s your most embarrassing memory?

  • Messing up when we played Build Me Up Buttercup

What makes band special to you?

  • The relationship of the band as a whole. 

What will you miss the most after you graduate?

  • Teaching the incoming freshman how to march and watching them grow.


Austin Waxler

What instrument do you play?

  • Trombone

What’s your favorite memory?

  • The Holland trip freshman year (I can't choose a specific moment, that whole trip was fun).

What makes band special to you?

  • It is a good way to make new friends, and lead people, as well as making your mark on a big event each week.

What will you miss the most after you graduate?

  • The talks on the bus when going to and from away games.


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