Fall, Fall, Fall!

Let's face it- the cold weather is here. However much we’d like to believe that the cold is only going to last for a short period of time and tomorrow the sun is going to shine again, we know it’s not going to happen. The leaves are already starting to change and fall and coffee shops are rolling out their pumpkin spice lattes. So, for our summer-lovers, it’s an unfortunate circumstance that the sun and blue skies are gone, but for those of us who know what’s best, our season is here. Here are all of the wonderful things you have to look forward to this fall, whether you’re a summer-lover or a fall-fanatic.

-2 hour delays. As the weather gets colder, we also run the risk of more school delays and cancellations. Although these can get annoying, there’s never a better feeling than waking up at 6am on a Monday just to see that you get to sleep for two more glorious hours.

-Fall candles! From Sweet Maple Chai to Autumn Leaves, the fall candles are here and they are wonderful. If you’re a candle lover, it’s time to stock up on those Yankee Candles and some matches and light those suckers every day!

-Sweater weather. Whether you’re insecure about your body or just easily cold, fall is the time for you. Dropping temperatures means a rise in sweaters and sweatshirts, which is up almost anyone’s alley. Plus, a sweater, jeans, and sneakers are always in fashion.

-Fall food and drinks. Pumpkin spice lattes. Apple cider. Pumpkin pie. Turkey. Candy. Mashed potatoes. Soup. All the good foods come out during fall, and it’s time to eat, eat, eat. Coffee shops galore are introducing their fall-themed drinks along with yummy pastries. That, along with Halloween candy and Thanksgiving dinner right around the corner, we’re all set for delicious treats.

-Halloween! It’s time to get spooky! Halloween is almost here, allowing you to not only dress in your silliest, scariest costumes, but also give you an excuse to eat delicious candies that you might feel guilty for eating any other time of the year.


The slightly cold nights are worth it, everybody. There are so many wonderful things to look forward to during fall, and we hope you have a fun and safe season!

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