By: Abbie Sheets
In the year of 1968, under the direction of Mr. Ron Cable, the small town of Arlington started a tradition that would be known throughout the area, not realizing the impact it would have in the future years. It included the removal of all non-brass instruments. Arlington is known for their transition, and now, years later, it shines as bright as ever.
Each football game, the audience eagerly awaits the band’s performance and what they have in store for them. They do traditional marching, with four players in a small group called a “squad”. Many shows have been known throughout the years: including El Cubanchero and Marching Trumpets Olé.
In celebration of fifty successful years, on Friday, October 12th, there will be a cake and punch reception beginning at 5:00 for any prior band members and directors. Afterward, there will be a Skull Session held in the Cable Auditorium at 6:00.
During the football game later that night, the band is dedicating their halftime performance to this special occasion, and asking any willing band alumni to be recognized on the field and for a picture. There will be five-decade sections, where each person will stand in correspondence with their graduation year. Any alumni who are interested can perform “The Horse” alongside the current band. After the playing, the current band members will be ending the show with “Barbara Ann”, including the famous headchops. The alumni are also invited to play in the stands during the full or partial length of the game, but it is not required.
For fifty years, the Arlington All-Brass band has amazed people from all over the area with their talent, and continue to do so. The small town has always been prideful of their band and their success. Join us this Friday, as we celebrate those who wore the uniform, and honor those who led them to victory.
336 South Main Street
Arlington, Ohio 45814
Phone: 419-365-5121
Fax: 419-365-1282
Red Devils Basketball Regional Finals by Hunter George