In an effort to give teachers the recognition they deserve, high-school History teacher, Mr. Beck wanted to implement a new program that would allow for this. Beginning this year, along with the Senior of the Month, Arlington Local School is introducing Teacher of the Month. In the same way that seniors are nominated by teachers and then voted by teachers, this process is extremely similar. The only difference is that when teachers nominate their Teacher of the Month, they are to give a written reason why. Then the faculty in its entirety will vote based on that. This is a way for teachers to recognize each other, knowing best how hard that they work for their students every day.
And this month’s Teacher of the Month is………. Mr. Nicholson!!
1. What made you decide to be a teacher?
I love working with kids and having a positive influence on them and their lives. I love interacting with the kids and watching them grow into young adults.
2. When did you experience the first moment where you feel you genuinely felt like you had a positive impact on a student?
Good question, I really feel like I have an impact on students when I hear their parents say “I have never seen my child do this good in school” or “he/she comes home and talks about you or the book they read in class”. This makes me feel like I have their attention in and outside the classroom. It also makes me feel like the parent appreciates the hard work I put in on a daily basis.
3. What has been your most favorite lesson plan you’ve done?
I don’t think I have a favorite lesson. I love the videos I show on graphing from Westerville South High School, Westerville, Ohio. A lot of 8th and 9th grade Math deals with Y-intercept questions and graphing and this video is a hip hop song with math lyrics. The kids like it and I do as well. I stole it from Mrs. Metzger.
4. Is there a book that has been influential in your life? If so, which one is it and why?
Another good question. I would say Success is a Choice by Rick Pitino. Rick is a retired college and NBA coach. He really outlined a lot of things in my life that I could do better and made me realize if you want something bad enough, you can have it, you just have to work for it. It showed me how to set goals, both long and short term. It was much more than a basketball book, it was about life.
5. How do you like to spend your summers away from school?
I spend them with my family and friends. I really enjoy golfing, coaching basketball, and football as well. I enjoy swimming at my brother’s and friend’s houses when I get a chance, too. I’ve got a feeling my golfing days may be coming to a close with my new addition of my daughter, Ada Mae Marie, who was born earlier this year. I may be a little busy this summer as “Daddy Daycare”. I will also go to a country concert or two in the summer with my wife as well.
6. What is something that you would like to bring to Arlington before retirement?
I would like to bring a better understand of all students on an IEP and the details that come along with my job as an Intervention Specialist.
7. What is your favorite cafeteria lunch?
I get a salad nearly everyday. I just mix up the salad dressing. It is a great deal and I love it. It is something I miss a lot during the summer.
8. What is one thing that you want your students to remember about you? A quote? A lesson? A mindset?
I hope they always remember that I was trying to help them do their best and that I brought a positive attitude everyday (well nearly everyday). I hope they appreciate the fact I start everyday as a new day and don’t carry bad days over to the next.
9. Did you have a teacher that you look up to as a mentor or a goal? If so, who and why?
Yes, as a student I always looked up to Mr. Joe Metzger. He was the physical education teacher here at Arlington as well as my football coach. I also really admired and appreciated Mr. Jason Vermillion as a coach. Those two inspired me to go into education to help people like myself. I learned a lot from both of them on how to work hard and build relationships.
Congratulations, Mr. Nicholson!
336 South Main Street
Arlington, Ohio 45814
Phone: 419-365-5121
Fax: 419-365-1282
Red Devils Basketball Regional Finals by Hunter George