By: Glen Thompson
On Saturday, February 9th, choir students from Arlington participated in Solo and Ensemble, a platform for individuals and groups from high schools to be scored on their performance. The contest allows for 5 different rankings, with 5 being the lowest possible and 1 being the highest possible. This year, Arlington was greatly represented by 27 different students, and they all performed wonderfully. Their scores were as follows:
Junior/Senior Women's Ensemble (Alyssa Bushong, Cloe Crist, Madison Hartman, Olivia Line, Peyton Rettig, Bailey Rock, Emily Woodard, Glen Thompson, Abigail Lotz) - I, Superior
Men's Ensemble (Caden Anderson, Glen Thompson, Kobie Parrish, Christopher Cortez, Morgan Rossman, Andrew Burnett, Carter Russell) - I, Superior
Fresh/Soph Women’s Ensemble (Kendra Tossey, Lacey Lute, Kaylie Hankins, Evelyn Flick, Makenna Grillot, Kendra Parke, Heidi Beach) - II, Excellent
Select Ensemble (Caden Anderson, Kyra Bormuth, Andrew Burnett, Alyssa Bushong, Christopher Cortez, Cloe Crist, Evelyn Flick, Kaylie Hankins, Madison Hartman, Cameron Haught, Olivia Line, Abigail Lotz, Kobie Parrish, Peyton Rettig, Morgan Rossman, Carter Russell, Kendra Parke, Hannah Willow, Emily Woodard) - I, Superior
Madison Hartman - II, Excellent
Lacey Lute - II, Excellent
Abbi Lotz- I, Superior
Morgan Rossman - I, Superior
Peyton Rettig - I, Superior
Glen Thompson -I, Superior
Evelyn Flick - I, Superior
We are incredibly proud of all who participated. Their amazing scores show the work and dedication that each performer put into their solos and ensembles. This won’t be the only show of dedication and achievement from choral students at Arlington-on Saturday, March 9th, the High School Concert Choir will be competing at the OMEA D3 Large Group Contest at Shawnee High School. We hope to see you there to further celebrate the accomplishments of the vocal students at Arlington!
336 South Main Street
Arlington, Ohio 45814
Phone: 419-365-5121
Fax: 419-365-1282
Red Devils Basketball Regional Finals by Hunter George