Our first senior of the month is EMILY WOODARD!
What teachers say?
-Emily is a resilient, reliable, and relatable student. She does everything with a smile on her face and she’s always willing to lend a giving hand. Emily’s morals and values are always apparent and she definitely deserves to be our first senior of the month.
-Emily is a fun and creative person. She adds a lot of personality and enjoyment to a class.
-Words to describe Emily: Go-Getter, Responsible, All Smiles, Determined, and a Leader!
-Emily is a positive light both in and outside of the classroom. Her membership in both school and church activities has made her into a very successful young role model for all.
To get to know a little bit more about our Senior of the Month, I asked a few hard-hitting questions:
1. What is your least favorite, very popular quote or saying? (like "Can't have the rainbow without a little rain" or "I can't adult today")
" I can't even" - You can't even what?!
2. Favorite season of candle scents?
My favorite season of candle scents are fall or winter. In particular, I like the "Pumpkin Marshmallow Creme" scent for fall and the "Wonderful Winter" scent for winter.
3. If you had an unlimited budget to travel anywhere, but only by car, where would you go and why?
I would love to travel to all the states. It would be neat to visit all 50 and see what they are known for and their different landmarks. I would also be playing “The States Song” on repeat throughout the road trip.
4. What is the succulent you would say best describes your personality?
I would say an aloe vera plant would best describe my personality. Traditional, helpful to others, and aloe ways have a pun to say.
5. If you could throw cold spaghetti in the face of anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?
I would throw cold spaghetti at Clayton, my youth pastor. We are always picking jokes at him and his reaction would be hilarious. This question even tempts me to actually do it.
336 South Main Street
Arlington, Ohio 45814
Phone: 419-365-5121
Fax: 419-365-1282
Red Devils Basketball Regional Finals by Hunter George