Celebrate FFA!

By: Sophia Dillon

On Thursday, April 12th the Arlington FFA held their end of the year banquet.  This year they had multiple CDE teams such as Ag Sales, Equine Management, Soils, and Job Interview, and there were numerous awards given out, at this banquet.

The Green-hand Degree was presented to Sean Billerman, Landon Smith, Jacob Orwick, Drew Fox, Ava Mihaly, Isaiah Boyd, Jack Bateson, Dakota Kirkland, Kendra Parke, and Carter Russell.

The Chapter Degree recipients recognized were: Paige Hartman, Ivy Kidd, Karmen Kain, Claire Bateson, Will Bushong, Austin Bolander, Hunter Myers, Arrissa Swails, and Gabe Von Stein .

At the State FFA Convention, Lillian Swails, Claire Bateson, Courtney Fox, and Blake Bishop will be awarded the State Degree.

The Star Greenhand award went to Ava Mihaly and Kendra Parke.

The Star Chapter went to Ivy Kidd.  

The Star Placement award went to Paige Hartman.

The Star Agri-Business award went to Arrissa Swails.

The Ag Credit 110% Award went to Justin Rowlett.

The Dekalb Award went to Lillian Swails.

The State FFA Band Award went to Arrissa Swails, State Chorus went to Lacey Lute and Malcolm Williams.

The Officer Book Awards will be given at State Convention to Katie Wilcox and her secretary's book received a silver rating. Blake Bishop, his treasurer’s book also received a silver rating.

The Fruit Sale Awards went to Kendra Parke and Jacob Orwick.

Chicken BBQ Sales Awards were presented to Ivy Kidd selling 102 tickets, Jacob Orwick with 49, and Kendra Parke with 38.

The Chapter Leadership Award went to Arrissa Swails, Kendra Parke, Zach Palte, Austin Bolander, Ava Mihaly, Justin Rowlett, Chenoa Newman, and Lacey Lute.

The Appreciation Award went to: Craig and Becky Kidd, Ruth Inbody, Gary Wilson, Laurie Butler, Molly Niese, Roger and Amy Bower, Jackie Johnson, Tina Hiller, Bonnie Begg, Chad Hazelton, Bailey Parke, Adria Haley, Jeremy Deter, David and Lisa Swails, Brian and Penny Bolander, Colton Kidd, and Greg and Beth Bishop.

The Honorary Chapter Degree was awarded to Jeremy Deter.

The FFA Alumni President(s), Jeremy Deter and Colton Kidd, presented two scholarships to Courtney Fox and Lillian Swails. The seniors recognized were Tim Peace, Courtney Fox, Malcolm Williams, Brayden Bushong, William Bushong, Lilian Swails, Dakota Kirkland, Claire Bateson,  Tyler Vanderhoff, and Carter Russell.

The 2019- 2020 FFA Officers installed were: President- Blake Bishop, Vice President- Ivy Kidd, Secretary- Arrissa Swails, Treasurer- Karmen Kain, Reporter- Paige Hartman, Sentinel- Austin Bolander, Student Advisor-Kendra Parke, and Historian- Ava Mihaly.


We want to congratulate everyone who was awarded and who is now holding a place in office!


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