By: Brianna Heyman
In recent months, I have come to the realization the I need to find better ways of dealing with stress. I have been doing research for quite some time and have come up with the following stress coping ideas.
-Lay on the ground and put your legs up the wall. This pose is beneficial to your heart health. It allows your heart to stop pumping and slows down your heart rate. Stay in this pose for three to five minutes and it will help you feel relaxed with a calm mind.
-Keep track of your plans with an agenda/planner. You will feel less scattered every day once you can stay on top of your daily tasks.
Say “no” more often. You should not feel obligated to say “yes” to everyone every time they want to make plans. Overscheduling is a major cause of stress with an easy fix.
-Keep a journal. This is an easy way to express your feelings if you are uncomfortable talking about them with others.
-Take a break from social media. Don’t keep track of how many views you have on Snapchat or how many likes you have on Instagram. This causes unnecessary stress about what others think of you, when in reality, it doesn’t matter.
-If the weather is pleasant, take a walk outside. The fresh air will help you relax and take a break from your stressors.
-Carry a stress ball with you. This will help you focus on something else when you are put in a stressful situation.
-Eat healthy foods. This will help cleanse your body and will leave you feeling more relaxed.
-Do some yoga. This will help the health of your body and will ease your mind.
I hope these ideas are helpful to you if stress will not leave your side! They have been quite useful to me!
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Arlington, Ohio 45814
Phone: 419-365-5121
Fax: 419-365-1282
Red Devils Basketball Regional Finals by Hunter George