How to Keep Cool in the Summer Heat

By: Glen Thompson

As summer and the end of school is just around the corner, I’m sure that we can all feel the weather warming up. Because of this, it is important to know the best ways to keep cool on even the hottest of summer days.

-Drink water! The most important thing that you can do as you’re outside and as the sun is beating down on you is to stay hydrated. So, always drink water!
-Wear loose fitting, lightly colored clothes. We all know that the color black absorbs heat, so wearing light clothes is a better option. Wearing loose clothes that don’t stick to your skin can help, as well.
-When you’re eating, try to go for light, chilled foods, such as salads and fruit instead of soups and hot entrees.
-Wash your hands in cool water. This might seem irrelevant, but just cooling off your hands when the temperature is rising to the 80s and 90s can be such a relief.
Put your lotions/moisturizers in the fridge. Like washing your hands in cool water, putting chilled lotion on your hands/face/arms can be very comforting and cooling.

Always remember to try to stay cool in this hot weather, and know how much heat you can handle!

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