Giving Season

By: Makenna Zehender

On November 11th, the Arlington Chapter of National Honor Society will be doing their “We’re Thankful for Arlington” Canned Food Drive. The members will be walking around Arlington collecting canned foods. 11:00-1:00pm

 Christmas is coming! Along with Christmas comes the cold. National Honor Society has their annual hat, scarf, and mitten tree set up right outside the high school office. Bring in new items to protect from the cold and help a family in need!

 Arlington's Student Council will be hosting a canned food drive. Students in grades PK-12 can participate in this by bringing in canned and boxed foods to their teachers. The elementary will bring into their home room teachers and grades 7-12 will bring cans to the classrooms listed below:

 7th Grade: Miss Hiller

8th Grade: Mrs. Niese

Freshmen: Mrs. Miller

Sophomores: Mrs. Barger

Juniors: Mr. Valasek

Seniors: Mr. Inbody

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Red Devils Basketball Regional Finals by Hunter George