FFA Banquet

By: Sophie Dillon

Last week there was a banquet for FFA members. At the banquet, members of the FFA received multiple awards. Members that are in the FFA have to participate in CDE’s, which are competitions, to receive a pin. First year members can apply to get a green hand degree, which is a certificate that they receive at banquet. There are also chapter degrees or state degrees, there were three students that received the state degree in Arlington. This year they had an applicant from Arlington, Colton Kidd. His application has passed the state battery, and will be evaluated at national level in July. Previous officers give their positions to the new officers. Lily Swails took the place of Meghan Hummell (President), Courtney Fox took the place of Meghan Hummell (Vice President), Katie Wilcox took the place of Lily Swails( Secretary), Blake Bishop took the place of Brittani Wright (Treasurer), Ivy Kidd took the place of Zoey Young( Reporter), Paige Hartman took the place of Bailey Parke( Sentinel), and Claire Bateson took the place of Courtney Fox (Student Advisor). The FFA had a pie audition to raise money for FFA trips. They made $3,300 from Chicken BBQ tickets, and from fruit sales they raised $13,000.

Thank you to Ivy Kidd for helping me get the information for this article, and make sure to check out the newsletter she will be writing!



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