3rd Quarter Honor Roll

By: Glen Thompson

Here at Arlington, we are very proud of the high academic standard that our students hold themselves to. As a result, of course, we have many students who are on the all A and also the A, B honor roll each quarter. To celebrate the success of our students, we would like to commemorate all those who have been and are on the honor roll this year. (We would also like to thank the BIONIC team for the amazing brownies!!)

All A Honor Roll: 

Emily Berry

Isaih Dawson Isabella Riegle William Bushong Austin Waxler

Carson Essinger Abbie Sheets Kelsey Dempster Tucker Breidenbach

Collin Frazier Glen Thompson Noah Edmiston Kendra Crist

Olivia Griggs Jaret Vermillion Makenna Foust Emily Durliat

Jessica Haught Logan Below Haley Gast EJ Evans

Alyssa Jordan Jacob Branan Holly Lee Evelyn Flick

Adelyn Lafferty Elizabeth Burnett Ryan Metzger Khyler Fredette

Bailey Parke Celina Crawford Evan O’Rear Abbyjo Howard

Baily Prater Cole Crooks Carter Russell Kylie Jolliff

Kylie Rausch Cameron Haught Jacob Russell Riley Launder

Skylar Rock Janay Helms Chasen Babb Ava Mihaly

Hailee Setzler Caden Lafferty Carter Essinger Kira Osborn

Wesley Below Caitlin Lowery Kylee Geissinger Grant Riegle

Kyra Bormuth Christopher Cortez Dylan Grohnke Jenna Stoltz

Alyssa Bushong Kendra Tossey Karmen Kain Jaden Wells

Maria Crawford Emily Ernst Morgan Rossman Johnathon Burnett

Kylee Crist Rylar Essinger Kylie Sheets Lucas Fenstermaker

Anna Edmiston Jared Grigges Kaden Smith Gaben Helms

Martha Foltz Emma Rossman Jack Bateson Matthew Kessler

Courtney Fox Emma Welker Jacy Beach Chloe Kieffer 

Madison Hartman Kindal Inbody Peyton Kain Jenna Pepple

Sarah Solt Lily Swails Hannah Willow Emily Woodard 

Jagger Bacon Lindsay Dodds Amber Durliat Hailey Essinger

Trent Hummer Olivia Line Peyton Rettig Abigail Lotz

A/B Honor Roll:

Jeri Bower

Andrew Brickner Alexa Brickner

Haylee Courtney Alexis Courtney

Jayden Courtney Cloe Crist

Deven Deuble William Flick

Benjamin Flick Ethan Fraizer

Moriah Helms Austin Frysinger

Briana Heyman Austin Hensley

Jayden Howard Lonell Howard

Gavin Lowery Chuck Launder

Gabriella Mathews Lance Leisure

Caleb Price Kendra Parke

Alyssa Shockey Garner Anderson

Kobie Parrish Kaleigh Prater

John Ayers Austin Rausch

Claire Bateson Arrissa Swalis

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